Sunday, January 12, 2014

VW Camper, more than just for camping

What to do with kids over Winter Break if you're not a skier.  When the days are short and the nights are l o n g.  There are only so many hours I can play Mario Kart.  And can I ask - when do you start to lose your ability to be good at video games as an adult? I could've sworn I was decent at Double Dash.  But now I can't beat a six year old to save my life.

If you want to take a break from video games, get in your van or SUV and find a drive in.  I prefer parking backwards and leaving the rear hatch open.

That's City Camper Boy's head peaking out of "Frosty." 
Mr. City Camper and I were toasty in our red sleeping bag.
The best part about a Drive In is you can bring all the snacks you want! A bucket of  chicken and biscuits from KFC and a bag of Pirate Booty and you're good to go. 

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