About Me

I am a self professed city girl and I have been known to pack a bag solely containing comfort items when traveling. Cashmere throw, check. Eye mask, check.  iPad, check. So why then, am I obsessed with camping?  I can't pinpoint it with any certainty because I only went camping once growing up. One intriguing aspect of camping  is that you must be efficient and precise in your planning, but at the same time be flexible and able to improvise. The problem solver in me loves this challenge!

My obsession eventually evolved into trailers, and after years of harassment,  I finally convinced my husband to let me purchase one.  I am sad to say, it's not an Airstream, but she's a cute little trailer nonetheless.  This blog started out as a means to chronicle the refurbishing of La Palace and its adventures. But it evolved into all sorts of things,  including farming!

PS. La Palace got her name because I wanted Lola but my husband wanted The Palace.  So I took La from Lola and tada....La Palace was born.

PPS. On a scale from 1-5 of handiness, I am about a 2.  I can barely sew a straight line, and let's just say Habitat for Humanity might discourage me from volunteering.  But I am a 5 on problem solving and resourcefulness, so I was cautiously optimistic that I would be able to handle a light reconditioning project. Thus, finding a trailer with good foundation was very important - any major construction or mechanical work would have been out of my league.  I hope the information on this blog can be of help to you!

Happy Trails,