Tuesday, May 1, 2012

2012 Resolutions

One of my New Year resolutions is to do more art. I first learned about these realistic looking dolls known as "Reborn Babies" on 20/20 a couple of years ago. They are hand painted by artists in the UK and sell for upwards of $2500.

I certainly was not going to spend that kind of money for a doll. So my "do more art" resolution became a challenge to paint one of these myself. Since I had absolutely no experience in doll making, I turned to the foremost authority on everything : The Internet. Armed with some How To videos from You Tube, I was optimistic.

I knew the key to realistic looking skin meant layering and baking each color in order for it to fully dry before going to the next. So I was emotionally prepared to spend 10-12 hours on that portion.

Baking in between each layer of paint 
(Pro tip: Don't leave disembodied doll parts in the oven if you don't want to freak out your house cleaner)

What I wasn't prepared for was spending SIX hours attaching hair. One night I was up until 4:30 in the morning working on just the hair.

Each strand is attached one at a time.

I am the type of person that needs to ride the momentum or will throw in the towel if I stop in the middle. Especially if it is a mundane task. I'd rather suffer all at once, than get slapped with an unpleasant chore over several days.

Here is Molly, the finished product.

Close up of the "blush" on knees and toes.
Also note the mottled skin on the limbs

It's hard to see, but there are little veins throughout to add another dimension.
The hardest ones to paint were the eye brows because they are front and center - no room for error!

Officially, there are eight layers of paint. However, it was more like 20 if you count the ones I messed up on and had to re-do. I don't fault those people for selling their dolls for $2500! I think I did a fine job for my first ever doll.

Here are a couple of dolls done by professionals for comparison.
Here are a couple of dolls done by professionals for comparison.

Oh! I almost forgot. I installed a mechanism in the body that when squeezed, "beats" like a heart. (The husband: "This just went from cute to creepy.") There is also a magnet in her head so you can attach a pacifier if desired. She weighs 6lbs and is 16" long.

Yes, I am aware this posting has nothing to do with camping. But it's too cold for that and a girl must occupy her time with other things!

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