Thursday, April 3, 2014

Our Chickens Arrived Today

Meet Chicka and Boom Boom.  

Chicka is a Buff Orpington and Boom Boom, on the right, is an Ameraucana)
 I selected these breeds based on temperament and looks.  The Orpington has been described as the Scarlett Johannson of hens. I guess because they're  knock outs. And I'll have to agree!  Although if you ask me, Boom Boom is much more distinguished and exotic looking. And she lays blue eggs.  I think they are both gorgeous. 

When we opened the box upon arriving home, there was an egg waiting for us!

They were very nervous the first few hours.  We tried holding them and  enticing them with "Scratch" - which is akin to potato chips to humans - but they were not having it!  At one point Boom Boom got loose and it took my husband 15 mins to corral her.  I wish it were easier to upload videos because I got scolded to put the camera down and help.

They clucked quite a bit when the doggie came around.  Otherwise, they were pretty quiet.
  I was proud he didn't growl or bark at them.

It took a little over an hour for them to figure out the water system.  I chose the Brite Tap system instead of a traditional water dish because it's so much more sanitary.  With a water trough, all sorts of debris can get into the dish and the chickens can knock it over easily. I also like that there is no need to change it daily. The cooler holds plenty of water for at least 4-5 days.

By the end of the day, they were eating out of my hand.

I thought they slept standing on a roosting stick, but when I peeked in their coop before heading to bed, they were cuddled up in the same nesting box. It looks as though Chicka got in first,  then Boom Boom boxed her in. I can already tell that Boom Boom is the more aggressive of the two, even though she is smaller. They are so cute!

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