Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Ticking Biological Clock - Chicken Edition

I was very concerned about Chicka as she hasn't been herself lately.  Usually, she and Boom Boom follow each other around the yard all day long unless one of them is laying an egg. But for the past few days, she sat in the coop all day. I thought she might be ill, but it turns out she's got all the signs of a broody hen!  Puffy feathers, not eating or drinking, hissing at us like we just grabbed the last size 4 at the Filene's Wedding Dress sale.  I guess humans aren't the only ones with maternal instincts.  I feel a little badly for her.  Apparently, this can last a few weeks or longer! We don't have a rooster to fertilize her eggs, so ain't no chicks be coming. How apropos - She's like the  human counterpart of a single female in her 40s living in Silicon Valley.

If I could convey some advice to her, I'd tell her that kids are overrated.  Sure, they are adorable about 59% of the time.  And I'd throw myself in front of a bus to save them (Ok, one of them. Iffy on the other one)  But they are life suckers.  Think of  the vacations you can take with all that extra money.  Or how clean your house can be.  Or how you can eat out, every night. And wake up, any time!  Why would you trade all that for rugrats that leave Legos out for you to trip on?

We felt sorry for her so we brought her inside for the night.

Not sure I am helping the cause by putting fake eggs in the box. She just looked so lonely and pathetic.
                        Rugrat being adorable         ^^^