Monday, April 21, 2014

+/- Windy Nights on the Beach


Reeeally hard to get a fire going.  We had to improvise with using a bucket as a wind shield.  

You get the beach all to yourself!

Success just in time, because the bucket was starting to melt.

Never realized an end of a burnt firewood resembled the design on sand dollar so much.
And of course, kids + beach no matter what the temperature. #SpringBreakRules

PS: The husband and I are having a debate on who started the fire on this windy day.  He said he's glad I "utilized" his method.  I asked him if he knew the name of the person who developed the telephone. The answer is "no"  because all that matters is the person who brought it to market : Alexander Bell. That's right boys and girls, the only thing that matters is execution and first to market.  Mark Zuckerburg > Winklevoss Twins.

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